Digitalization Integrator


Quality Assurance & Testing Automation

Elevate software quality 

Accelerate Release Cycles with Automated Testing

At DI we provide comprehensive testing services to ensure the success of your projects and product deliveries. With our expertise, you can achieve competitive advantages and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

We offer a diverse range of solutions across key industries:

Security Testing

We provide cybersecurity services, including vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. Our services cover web application security testing, social engineering, network infrastructure testing, wireless testing, and application/API security review. Tools like Kali Linux, Burp Suite, Nmap, Wireshark, Nikto, Sqlmap, and Acunetix are utilized.

Manual and Automation Testing

We offer end-to-end solutions for both manual and automation testing services. Our expert team provides testing for websites, web applications, mobile apps, web services, security, and responsiveness. We act as an extension of your QA team, ensuring high-quality results.

Web Functional Automation

We automate common web actions using tools like Selenium with Java, Browserstack, Maven, IntelliJ/Eclipse, GitHub, and Jenkins (CI/CD). Our automation solution ensures comprehensive coverage and efficient test execution.

Automation Testing Benefits

Automation testing saves time & improves efficiency. We offer comprehensive automation solutions that integrate seamlessly into your development process. Whether you do manual testing or manage a QA team, our automation services enable agility, DevOps practices, & end-to-end testing.

API Automation

Our API automation services utilize tools like Postman and Jenkins (CI/CD) to test and verify APIs. We ensure accuracy, performance, and response time through various assertions.

QA Manual Testing

In addition to automation, we provide manual testing services for web and mobile applications. Our manual testing covers functional testing, cross-platform testing, and cross-browser testing. We use tools like Bugzilla, TFS (Team Foundation Server), and Testlink for effective test management.

Performance & Load Testing

To evaluate the performance of your web applications and APIs, we offer performance and load testing using tools like JMeter, Blazemeter, and Postman. We identify bottlenecks, optimize performance, and ensure a smooth user experience.

Mobile Functional Automation

For mobile applications, we use Appium along with GitHub and Jenkins (CI/CD) to automate common mobile actions on different platforms, such as Android and iOS.

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